4/5 Avengers, the worlds mightiest superheroes, have totally stuffed up the world. Iron Man had created an artificial intelligence called Ultron. Ultron was supposed to become the earth protector. Instead it turns into an abomination. Now The Avengers face a stronger enemy than they had ever imagined, the evil completely of their own making. Will they be able to defeat it? And more importantly, are they the heroes the world needs or are they just different kind of monsters? Complaining about the luck of depth in the new instalment of Avengers, the third grossing film of all times, will do you no good - a movie that has 10 main characters is doomed to scratch only a surface . But Joss Whedon gives each of them a story arc, a mission to fulfil and a reason to exist. He also does produce a snappy, dry humour dialogue that works well in every scene, also Iron Man, for some reason, has the best lines. It may be unfortunate, but some jokes are easy to miss because of the eye ...